Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Translator Add-ins for Autodesk Inventor:

Autodesk Labs has recently posted add-ins that will allow users to read part and assembly data from Parasolid, UG-NX™, Pro/ENGINEER and GRANITE directly into Autodesk Inventor 2008 as base solids. With this technology preview, you can streamline projects that require opening files from vendors or customers in native formats.

Check them out at:

Translator Add-ins

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Colorado Inventor Users Group

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

6:30PM – 9:00PM

Please join us this month at one of Northern Colorado’s fine manufacturers – Leggett & Platt - Store Fixtures Group in Fort Collins. They’ve been a long-time user of Inventor, and now they’ve opened their doors to host a Users Group for us. Tim Dench has graciously volunteered to present a topic for discussion, including:

Derived Spreadsheet-driven assemblies
  • Re-using parameters from derived components
  • Leveraging parameters to drive a dimension
  • Update the assembly – drawings & ALL!
Using Macros to automate Tedious Tasks
  • Surface Tools for Solid Modeling
  • Who writes them?
  • What do they do?
Inventor Q&A

As always, food and soft drinks will be provided for those who bring questions and experiences to share!

Come to discuss ideas, increase knowledge and get advice from Avatech’s experts and other Colorado Inventor users.

Please RSVP or get directions:
Call us at: 303.796.0204 or email us
Rob Johnston:
Jared Drennen:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Eric's Take...

...on Inventor's Task Scheduler.

With the next release of Inventor imminent, the migration of files to the next release is likely not a task any of us are looking forward to. If you are not already using it, you may want to consider the Task Scheduler. Going from the Start button, it can be found under the Tools sub-menu of your Inventor program menu.

There are almost a dozen different tools that Task Scheduler provides to run unattended tasks. To get started, pick one from the Create Task pull-down. When picking Migrate Files (or any of the other tasks), identify the files, folders, or Project to Migrate, fill out the Task Properties below, and the task is scheduled to run (Immediately or at a later time that is more convenient). Using Task Scheduler with files in a Vault Project will require Vault Authentication from the Files pull-down prior to running successfully. Please review the Help files for further clarification of specific task capabilities.

Additionally, provided below is a link to the Search Results for Articles on Autodesk's website related to the Task Scheduler.

Check them out at: Task Scheduler Results

Hope this helps.
