Friday, June 16, 2006


Autodesk Inventor 11 DWF Extension

This week Autodesk announced the launch of Autodesk Inventor 11 DWF Extension, which delivers enhanced DWF publishing, security, and design review capabilities. These enhancements strengthen the collaboration component of Autodesk's Manufacturing solutions by giving you improved DWF file-sharing capabilities and security throughout the design review process.

This is only available to Subscription Customers, so if you are on Subscription, pick the link below to logon and download the Autodesk Inventor 11 DWF Extension.

Subscription Website

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Colorado Inventor Users Group

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

6:30PM – 9:00PM

For the first time ever, the Users Group is traveling to Boulder! Come join us at MKS Instruments in Boulder, CO for what is sure to be an enlightening discussion with fellow Colorado Inventor Users, and two short presentations by Avatech’s resident experts:

Autodesk Vault 5.0 and ProductStream 5.0 Overview
  • Walk through the Autodesk data management system to find out how other companies are streamlining their production processes
  • Find out why you’re not using it yet.
Share and collaborate your design intent with Autodesk Design Review (formerly DWF Composer)
  • See how you can minimize your design review and approval times with DWF’s and Autodesk’s electronic collaboration tools.
Inventor Q&A

As always, food and soft drinks will be provided for those who bring questions and experiences to share!

Come to discuss ideas, increase knowledge and get advice from Avatech’s experts and other Colorado Inventor users.

Please RSVP or get directions:
Call us at: 303.796.0204 or email us
Rob Johnston:
Jared Drennen: