Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Colorado Inventor Users Group

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006
6:30PM – 9:00PM

If you’re a Colorado Springs Inventor User, your time has finally come! Join Avatech and your fellow Inventor Users at US Filter in Colorado Springs for this community event. Come to discuss ideas, increase knowledge and get advice from Avatech’s experts and other Southern Colorado Inventor users.

A special thanks goes out to SVI Trucks in Loveland who hosted a very well attended March meeting where we discussed the advanced capabilities of the new Inventor 11, and how Autodesk Vault is helping local companies control their design data.

Fresh from the Autodesk Americas Solutions Bootcamp, we will discuss the new features of Inventor 11, Autodesk’s Manufacturing vision, and as always, we will keep an open forum to include specific examples from our clients and partners involved with mechanical design in Colorado. We’d love to hear from you if you have additional issues you’d like us to address that you think others would benefit from hearing.

Food and Refreshments will be provided if you bring your mechanical design issues to discuss!

Please RSVP or get directions:
Call us at: 800-487-8729 or email us
Rob Johnston:
Jared Drennen: jared.drennen@avat.com