Wednesday, December 13th, 2006
6:30PM – 9:00PM
We apologize for the late notice, but we think you’ll be pleased with this month’s topic. Join us once again at SVI Trucks in Loveland, CO for this month’s Users Group. Mark your calendars now to participate in an open discussion of ideas and technology. We’ve prepared two short presentations before we open the floor to fellow Inventor Users to share their experiences from the field.
Utilize Inventor 11’s adaptive Content to increase your productivity
- Streamlined selection and placement workflow
- Advanced AutoDrop capability
- Automatic resizing as mouse moves over target geometry
- Interactive adjustment of component lengths
- Enhanced tools for editing and publishing content
- Unified content library
- Fully integrated with Design Accelerators
As always, food and soft drinks will be provided for those who bring questions and experiences to share!
Come to discuss ideas, increase knowledge and get advice from Avatech’s experts and other Colorado Inventor users.
Please RSVP or get directions:
Call us at: 800-487-8729 or email us
Rob Johnston:
Jared Drennen: